Letsema Corporate Finance is ready to help you get South Africa back to work
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is expected to exact a heavy toll on public health and wellbeing. In these trying and challenging times, businesses are faced with extremely difficult choices as economic activity grinds to a halt.
Many large businesses have been affected, while a wide range of SMEs will struggle to emerge from the crisis in stable financial health, affecting the livelihoods of millions of people.
The front line of economic rescue
As a business rescue practitioner, you will be playing a leading role in trying to resurrect hundreds of businesses, if not more, that will be in crisis post the COVID-19 emergency. As Letsema Corporate Finance, we are here to help in the following ways:
• Business Valuations
• Accounting Valuations
• Mergers & Acquisitions
• Financial Modelling
• Due Diligence
• Capital Raising
Letsema Corporate Finance is led by Rowan McDonald, who has over a decade of experience ranging from high-level corporate advisory to SME consultations.
To find out more about how Letsema Corporate Finance can help, contact Rowan at rowan.mcdonald@letsema.co.za or call him on 084 604 5479.